CIMCO Demonstration at Star GB Open House 2015
J2com Ltd will be on hand to demonstrate a whole range of CIMCO products at the Star GB autumn open house. The event will take place on Tuesday 20th to Thursday 22nd of October at Star's main office in Melbourne, Derbyshire.
Turnkey CIM Solutions demonstrated by J2com Ltd
- CIMCO MDC-Max - Machine Data Collection. Looking at the shop floor productivity through live data captured from several STAR CNC's.
- CIMCO DNC-Max - The number one DNC package for remote request / auto receive with advanced serial and network protocols.
- CIMCO MDM - Manufacturing Data Management System. Manage all manufacturing related documentation in structured levels.
- CIMCO Edit Professional, CIMCO NC-Base, CIMCO CNC-Calc and more...
Please contact if you are interested in seeing J2com Ltd at the Star GB autumn open house.